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眼镜 反差 小年到十五 春节天天有认真

发布日期:2024-10-19 04:50    点击次数:138

眼镜 反差 小年到十五 春节天天有认真

Spring Festival, which falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month is the most important festival in China and a time for family reunion, like Christmas in the West. 农历正月月朔运行眼镜 反差,就到了中国最热切的节日——春节。东谈主们阖家团圆,就如同西方的圣诞节同样。

Traditionally, Spring Festival starts in the early days of the 12th month of the lunar calendar and lasts until the middle of the 1st lunar month of the following year. With the modernization of China, some traditional customs are still followed today, but others have fallen by the wayside. 传统意旨上的春节始于农历腊月(即十二月)初,一直执续到来年的正月(即一月)中旬。跟着中国的当代化,一些传统习俗被保留了下来,而另一些却徐徐隐藏在咱们的视线中。

As we are preparing for the most important festival, let's have a review of the traditional customs that celebrate the Spring Festival. 在咱们忙着准备这个要紧节日的同期,不妨往来顾一下春节有哪些传统习俗吧。


小年到十五 春节天天有认真  

Little New Year, which falls the 23rd day of the 12th month in the Lunar calendar, is also known as the Festival of the Kitchen God, the deity who oversees the moral character of each household. 农历腊月二十三日是小年,亦然祭灶节。灶神在中国神话传闻中监管一家善恶。

People make sacrifices to the Kitchen Gold on this day. A paper image is burnt dispatching the god's spirit to Heaven to report on the family's conduct over the past year. The Kitchen God is then welcomed back by pasting a new paper image of him beside the stove. 东谈主们在小年这一天祭拜灶神,烧毁灶神的画像,意味着送灶神上天,文牍这家东谈主在夙昔一年的德行。接着东谈主们会在灶旁贴上新的画像,意味着再把灶神接回归。

你在哪天过“小年”?知谈这些习俗吗?眼镜 反差

上一篇:探花 视频 哈医大二院照顾团队援鄂周记:战“疫”一线 咱们被感动包围    下一篇:偷偷撸图片 1982-10-25